Chant Recordings

Linda offers Tutorials for Learning and Collections for Listening to help guide you in your chanting.

Chant Tutorials for Learning

Each tutorial comes with an image of the chant in transliteration, instructions on how to best use the recordings and audio files provided in MP3 formats.

  • Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
  • Vedic Chant
  • Invocations and Closing Chants come with two different audio files: a LISTEN & REPEAT version and a CONTINUOUS version. You may purchase a digital download of individual chants or the entire collection of nine chants. The entire collection is also available as an actual CD. To purchase the CD please contact Linda directly at
  • Bhagavad Gita Chants come with three audio files: a LISTEN & REPEAT version and both a SLOW and LIVELY CONTINUOUS version.

Chant Collections for Listening

  • Omiti
Linda Spackman's Invocations and Closing Chants ~ Chant TutorialsEntire Collection available in digital download or CD

Linda Spackman's Invocations and Closing Chants ~ Chant Tutorials
Entire Collection available in digital download or CD